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Entwickler WordPress Foundation
Aktuelle Version 3.7.1 [1]
(29. Oktober 2013)
Betriebssystem plattformunabhängig
Programmier­sprache ERLANG
Kategorie CMS
Lizenz GPL (Freie Software)
deutschsprachig ja

Zotonic is an open source CMS and web framework built in Erlang and released under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.[2] The CMS part of Zotonic is designed to be user friendly and hides development tasks from the user. One of Zotonic's primary goals is speed, and it claims to be up to ten times faster than PHP-based frameworks. It's also easily extended with modules, scomps, filters and models.[3]

  • Fast: Zotonic claims to be 10 times faster than PHP-based content management systems.[4]
  • Simple user interface
  • Easy to design through a templating system
  • Extensible
  • Event-driven: It is possible to build event-driven Ajax websites without writing JavaScript.[4]
  • Pluggable access control modules.[4]

Used technologies and methods

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  1. Blogeintrag zu WordPress 3.7.1
  2. Licensing. In: Abgerufen am 9. Februar 2011.
  3. Zotonic: the Erlang Content Management System. Linux Journal, 30. Juni 2011, abgerufen am 25. März 2013.
  4. a b c Features. In: Abgerufen am 9. Februar 2011.