Benutzer:Quarz/X/Schraubstock 3

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
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Originaldateien (old): Phabricator Repository – index.html

[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Hier konnte statt der Repository-Version nur das HTML-Output (Seitenquelltext) der Seite zum Vergleich genutzt werden. Im Repository ist die neueste Version eine index.html, die nicht mit dem Seitenquelltext übereinstimmt. Auf läuft tatsächlich keine index.html, sondern eine index.php

  • Wikipedia-pageID statt Artikeltitel als Merkmal verwenden
  • Verarbeitung auf steuern durch Übergabe der pageID als Key-Value-Paar: id=<pageID>
  • Überflüssiges aufräumen
--- old/index.html	HTML output
+++ new/index.html	Sat Feb 01 21:58:01 2020
@@ -90,25 +90,16 @@
 					var original_URL = $(this).val();
 					if (original_URL.indexOf('') > 0)	//	Lazy way to see if it's a Wikipedia URL
-						// Form a qrwp URL
-						var new_URL = original_URL.replace('','');
-						var new_URL = new_URL.replace('https://','http://');
 						//	Get the URL path
 						var url = document.createElement('a');
-						url.href = new_URL;
-						var path = url.pathname.replace('/','');
+						url.href = original_URL;
+						var path = url.pathname.replace('/wiki/','');
 						//	Get the language of the article
-						var language = url.hostname.replace('','');
+						var language = url.hostname.replace('','');
 						//	Add some text saying how many languages the article has
 						//	Call the Wikipedia API	
-						///
-						console.log(new_URL);
-						console.log(language);
-						console.log(path);
@@ -138,8 +129,7 @@
-										///
-										console.log(encodeURIComponent(new_URL));
+										var new_URL = 'https://' + language + '' + pageId;
 										//	Add the image to the page
 										$('.qr').attr('src',''+encodeURIComponent(new_URL)); – .htaccess

[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
  • URL-Path in Querystring wandeln, ohne ein Key-Value-Paar zu bilden. Zweck:
    • Artikeltitel nicht per $_GET[] importieren, um automatisches urdecode zu verhindern
    • pageID per $_GET[] importieren.
--- old/.htaccess	Fri Sep 09 18:32:00 2011
+++ new/.htaccess	Sat Feb 01 22:16:13 2020
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
-RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?title=$1 [L,QSA]
+RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?$1 [L,QSA]
 #RewriteEngine on
 #Options +FollowSymLinks – index.php

[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
  • urldecode des Artikeltitels vollständig im Skript steuern
  • Artikeltitel oder pageID auswerten, je nach Input
  • Im API-Aufruf llurl (deprecated) durch llprop=url ersetzen
--- old/index.php	Wed Sep 02 21:51:00 2015
+++ new/index.php	Mon Feb 03 20:21:58 2020
@@ -42,12 +42,22 @@
-	// An .htaccess file changes to
+	// An .htaccess file changes to
 	// Remove any escaped characters. Eg \'
-	$request = stripslashes( $_GET['title'] );
+	$request = stripslashes( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] );
 	// If a request has been sent - redirect the user	
 	if ( $request != null ) {
+		if (@$_GET['id']) {
+			$pid = $_GET['id'];
+			$search = 'pageids=' . $pid;
+		} else {
+			// Correct double urlencoded string
+			$request = str_replace('%25','%',$request);
+			$request = urldecode($request);
+			$search = 'titles=' . $request . '&redirects=';
+		}
 		// Gets the phone user's primary language - based on the headers of the phone's browser
 		// Code modified from
 		// RFC 2616 compatible Accept Language Parser
@@ -62,7 +72,7 @@
 			$splits = array();
 			if ( preg_match( $pattern, $lang, $splits ) ) {
-				$phone_language = $splits[primarytag];
+				$phone_language = $splits['primarytag'];
 				// Once the language has been found - no need to continue the loop.
@@ -71,9 +81,9 @@
 		// Get the language requested. For example assumes that /foo is French
 		$requested_server = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
-		if ( $requested_server != $server_name ) // If this has a subdomain
-		{
 			$pieces = explode( ".", $requested_server );
+		if ( count($pieces)>2 ) // If this has a subdomain
+		{
 			$requested_language = $pieces[0]; // Assume that only one sub domain has been chosen. "" will return "fr"
 		} else //	If there is no sub domain, use the default language set in config.php
@@ -93,7 +103,9 @@
 		//	If the phone's language is the same as the requested language (eg en-gb & en.qrwp) do the redirection without a call to Wikipedia 
 		if ( $phone_language == $requested_language ) {
-			$mobile_url = "https://$" . $request;
+			$mobile_url = "https://$";
+			if($pid) $mobile_url .= 'w/index.php?curid=' . $pid;
+			else $mobile_url .= 'wiki/' . $request;
 			writeLog( urldecode( $mobile_url ) );
 			header( "Location: $mobile_url" );
@@ -105,14 +117,14 @@
 				prop=info|langlinks&		//	Get page info and alternate languages
 				lllimit=200&				//	Max number of languages to return
-				llurl&						//	Get the URLs of alternate languages
+				llprop=url&					//	Get the URLs of alternate languages
 				titles=Rossetta_Stone&	//	Title of the page
 				redirects=&					//	Page may redirect - so get the final page
 				format=json					//	Other formats are available. Leave off for human readable XML
 		// Construct the API call - this is to the $requested_language Wikipedia
-		$api_call = "https://$|langlinks&lllimit=200&llurl&titles=$request&redirects=&format=json";
+		$api_call = "https://$|langlinks&lllimit=200&llprop=url&$search&format=json";
 		// Use CURL to retrieve the information
 		$curl_handle = curl_init();