Benutzer:Tobiasi0/Zoom (Software)

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Teilnehmer der Konferenz „Bubrich-Lesungen: eine dokumentierte Umgangssprache“, 2020, Petrosawodsk

Hauptentwickler Zoom Video Communications
Entwickler Zoom Video Communications
Erscheinungsjahr 2011
Aktuelle Version 5.9.3
(25. Januar 2022)
Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows
Google Chrome OS
Programmier­sprache C++[1]
Kategorie Videokonferenz-Dienst, Telekommunikation
Lizenz proprietär
deutschsprachig ja

Zoom Meetings (stilisiert zoom; allgemein als Zoom abgekürzt) ist ein proprietäres Softwareprogramm für Videokonferenzen, das von Zoom Video Communications entwickelt wurde. Die kostenlose Version erlaubt bis zu 100 gleichzeitige Teilnehmer mit einer Zeitbeschränkung von 40 Minuten. Benutzer haben die Möglichkeit, ein Upgrade durchzuführen, indem sie ein kostenpflichtiges Abonnement abschließen. Das maximale Upgrade unterstützt bis zu 1.000 gleichzeitige Teilnehmer für Meetings mit einer Dauer von bis zu 30 Stunden.[2]

Während der COVID-19-Pandemie nahm die Nutzung von Zoom für Telearbeit, Fernunterricht[3] und soziale Online-Beziehungen stark zu.[4] Der Anstieg führte dazu, dass Zoom im Jahr 2020 mit 477,3 Millionen Downloads die fünfthäufigst heruntergeladene mobile App weltweit war.[5]

Geschichte[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zoom wurde ursprünglich im Jahr 2011 gegründet.[6] Der Hauptsitz befindet sich in San José, Kalifornien. Zoom hat ebenfalls Niederlassungen in Europa, Asien und Australien.[6] Eine Beta-Version von Zoom – die Konferenzen mit nur bis zu 15 Videoteilnehmern veranstalten konnte – wurde am 21. August 2012 gestartet.[7] Am 25. Januar 2013 wurde Version 1.0 des Programms mit einer Erhöhung der Teilnehmerzahl pro Konferenz auf 25 veröffentlicht.[8] Am Ende des ersten Monats hatte Zoom 400.000 Nutzer und stieg bis Mai 2013 auf über eine Million Nutzer an.[9] Nach dem Beginn der COVID-19-Pandemie hatte Zoom bis Februar 2020 2,22 Millionen Nutzer im Jahr 2020 hinzugewonnen – mehr Benutzer, als es im gesamten Jahr 2019 angehäuft hat,[10] wobei der Aktienkurs des Unternehmens um 35 Prozent gestiegen ist.[11] Im März 2020 wurde die Zoom-App 2,13 Millionen Mal heruntergeladen.[12][13] Im April 2020 hatte Zoom täglich mehr als 300 Millionen Nutzer.[14][15] Am 24. August 2020 kam es bei Zoom für mehrere Stunden zu weit verbreiteten Ausfällen, bevor der Dienst wiederhergestellt wurde.[16][17]

Features[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zoom ist mit Microsoft Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Google Chrome OS und Linux kompatibel. Es zeichnet sich durch seine einfache Benutzeroberfläche und Benutzerfreundlichkeit aus, unabhängig von technologischem Fachwissen.[18][19] Zu den Funktionen gehören Einzelbesprechungen, Gruppenvideokonferenzen, Bildschirmfreigabe, Plug-ins, Browsererweiterungen und die Möglichkeit, Besprechungen aufzuzeichnen und automatisch zu transkribieren.[20] Auf einigen Computern und Betriebssystemen können Benutzer einen virtuellen Hintergrund auswählen, der von verschiedenen Websites heruntergeladen werden kann, um ihn als Hintergrund hinter sich zu verwenden.[21]

Die Nutzung der Plattform ist für Videokonferenzen mit bis zu 100 Teilnehmern gleichzeitig kostenlos, bei mehr als zwei Teilnehmern auf 40 Minuten begrenzt. Für längere oder größere Konferenzen mit mehr Funktionen sind kostenpflichtige Abonnements verfügbar, die zwischen 14 und 20 Euro pro Monat kosten. Funktionen, die auf Geschäftskonferenzen ausgerichtet sind, wie z. B. Zoom Rooms, sind für 50 bis 100 Euro pro Monat erhältlich.[18][21][22] Bis zu 49 Personen können gleichzeitig auf einem Desktop- oder Laptop-Bildschirm gesehen werden,[23] bis zu 4 Personen pro Bildschirm auf iPhone- und Android-Mobiltelefonen und -Tabletcomputern und bis zu 16 Personen pro Bildschirm auf dem iPad. Zoom hat mehrere Abonnements: Basic, Pro, Business und Enterprise.[24] Teilnehmer müssen die App nicht herunterladen, wenn sie Google Chrome oder Firefox verwenden; Sie können auf einen Link klicken und über den Browser beitreten. Benutzer müssen die Software auf Tablet-Computer und Mobiltelefone mit Android und iOS herunterladen.

Zu den Sicherheitsfunktionen von Zoom gehören passwortgeschützte Meetings, Benutzerauthentifizierung, Warteräume, gesperrte Meetings, Deaktivierung der Bildschirmfreigabe für Teilnehmer, zufällig generierte IDs und die Möglichkeit für den Gastgeber, störende Teilnehmer zu entfernen.[25] Seit Juni 2020 bietet Zoom Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung für Geschäfts- und Unternehmensbenutzer an, wobei die AES 256 GCM-Verschlüsselung für alle Benutzer aktiviert ist.[26] Im Oktober 2020 fügte Zoom eine Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung für kostenlose und kostenpflichtige Benutzer hinzu. Es ist auf allen Plattformen verfügbar, mit Ausnahme des offiziellen Zoom-Webclients.[27][28]

Zoom bietet auch einen Transkriptionsdienst mit der an, die es Unternehmen ermöglicht, Transkriptionen der Zoom-Meetings online zu speichern und zu durchsuchen, einschließlich der Trennung und Kennzeichnung verschiedener Sprecher.[29]

Seit Juli 2020 sind Zoom Rooms und Zoom Phone auch als Hardware-as-a-Service-Produkte verfügbar.[30] Zoom Phone ist ab August 2020 in 40 Ländern für den Inlandstelefondienst verfügbar.[31] Im Januar 2021 gab das Unternehmen bekannt, dass es 1 Million Arbeitsplätze für den Zoom Phone-Dienst verkauft hat.[32] Zoom for Home, eine Produktkategorie für den Heimgebrauch, wurde im August 2020 verfügbar.[33]

Im September 2020 fügte Zoom neue Barrierefreiheitsfunktionen hinzu, um die Nutzung der App für Gehörlose, Schwerhörige oder Sehbehinderte zu vereinfachen. Zu den neuen Funktionen gehören die Möglichkeit, sich in Videofenstern in der Galerieansicht zu bewegen und Videofenster anzuheften, um sie hervorzuheben; verbesserte Tastaturkürzel; neue Tools zum Anpassen der Größe von Untertiteln; und die Fenster für Gebärdensprachdolmetscher können jetzt direkt neben dem Redner sitzen.[34]

Im Oktober 2020 stellte das Unternehmen auf Zoomtopia, der jährlichen Benutzerkonferenz von Zoom, OnZoom vor, einen virtuellen Event-Marktplatz mit einem integrierten Zahlungssystem, auf dem Benutzer kostenlose oder kostenpflichtige Live-Events veranstalten und bewerben können.[35][36] Mit OnZoom können Benutzer einmalige Veranstaltungen oder Veranstaltungsreihen für bis zu 1.000 Teilnehmer planen und veranstalten und Tickets online verkaufen.[37] Das Unternehmen kündigte auch Zoom Apps an, eine Funktion, die Apps von Drittanbietern integriert, damit sie während Meetings innerhalb der Zoom-Oberfläche verwendet werden können. Die ersten derartigen Apps sollten gegen Ende 2020 von Diensten wie Slack, Salesforce,Dropbox und Qatalog verfügbar sein. Im Oktober 2020 gab Zoom seinen Benutzern mit einem Upgrade auf Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung für sein Online-Meeting-Netzwerk mehr Sicherheit.[38]

Am 22. März 2021 kündigte Zoom an, seine Videokonferenztechnologie als White-Label-Produkt zu verkaufen, damit andere Unternehmen sie in ihre eigenen Produkte einbetten können, wobei die Anrufe über Zoom laufen, aber nicht den Markennamen des Unternehmens tragen.[39]

Im August 2021 führte Zoom eine neue Funktion namens Focus Mode ein. Es ist für den Einsatz in digitalen Klassenzimmern und anderen Bildungsumgebungen konzipiert. Wenn der Modus aktiv ist, werden die Bildschirme der Teilnehmer voreinander ausgeblendet (obwohl sie die Namen der anderen sehen können), während der Gastgeber die Möglichkeit behält, den Kamerastream oder die Bildschirmfreigabe aller zu sehen. Die Funktion ist für alle Zoom-Konten verfügbar, einschließlich kostenloser.[40][41]

Im September 2021 gab das Unternehmen bei Zoomtopia bekannt, dass die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung jetzt als Upgrade für Zoom Phone-Benutzer verfügbar sein wird. Das Unternehmen kündigte außerdem Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) (für Benutzer, um ihre eigenen Verschlüsselungsschlüssel zu verwalten, auf die Zoom nicht zugreifen oder sie sehen kann), Verified Identity (eine Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierungsfunktion, die über Okta funktioniert und es Benutzern ermöglicht, die Identität von Besprechungsteilnehmern zu bestätigen) und Video Engagement Center (für Unternehmen zur digitalen Interaktion mit Kunden) an.[42][43] Weitere angekündigte Updates umfassen überarbeitete virtuelle Whiteboard-Funktionen, einschließlich Touchscreen-Whiteboards, die für Remote-Teilnehmer digitalisiert werden können, und eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Zoom Meetings und Zoom Chat.[44]

Im Oktober 2021 wurde die Option zum automatischen Generieren von Untertiteln in englischer Sprache für Zoom-Meetings auf alle Konten ausgeweitet, einschließlich kostenloser. Die Funktion war bisher nur für Premium-Nutzer verfügbar.[45]

Nutzung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Im Juli 2020 organisierten die International Association of Constitutional Law und Alma Mater Europaea mit Zoom die erste rund um die Uhr und rund um den Globus stattfindende Veranstaltung, die durch die Zeitzonen reiste

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Zoom has been used by banks, schools,[46] universities, and government agencies around the world,[47] by the UK Parliament,[48] by healthcare professionals for telemedicine,[49] barbershops,[50] and ceremonies such as birthday parties,[51] funeral services,[52] and bar and bat mitzvah services.[53][54] Zoom formed a partnership with Formula One to create a virtual club where fans can go behind the scenes and take part in virtual activities through Zoom, beginning with the Hungarian Grand Prix on July 19, 2020.[55][56] An article published in July 2020 in the San Francisco Chronicle noted a new real estate trend in San Francisco and Oakland where some listings include "Zoom rooms" with backdrops for Zoom calls.[57] People were complaining about "zoom fatigue"[58] (too many video calls) before they had their "zoom happy hour" (online social meeting with friends or colleagues).[58]

Richard Nelson's play What Do We Need to Talk About? takes place on Zoom, with its main characters congregating online during the COVID-19 pandemic using Zoom. Written and directed by Nelson, it was commissioned by The Public Theater and premiered on YouTube on April 29, 2020, as a benefit performance. The New Yorker called it "the first great original play of quarantine".[59] Oprah's Your Life in Focus: A Vision Forward was a live virtual experience hosted by Oprah Winfrey on Zoom from May 16 through June 6, 2020.[60] In Source Material's play In These Uncertain Times, directed by Samantha Shay, characters communicate on Zoom. The play premiered on Zoom on July 25, 2020.[61] In the 2020 British found-footage Zoom-based horror film Host, directed by Rob Savage, a group of young people have a remote séance in which they try contacting spirits over Zoom. It premiered on Shudder in July 2020.[62][63] A live reading of Kristoffer Diaz's 2009 play The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity over Zoom streamed on Play-PerView from August 15–20, 2020.[64][65] In the 2021 film Locked Down, directed by Doug Liman and starring Anne Hathaway and Chiwetel Ejiofor, characters communicate through Zoom conferences.[66]

On July 3–4, using Zoom Webinar, the International Association of Constitutional Law and Alma Mater Europaea organized the first "round-the-clock and round-the-globe" event that traveled through time zones, featuring 52 speakers from 28 countries.[67][68] Soon after, a format of conferences that "virtually travel the globe with the sun from East to West",[69] became common, some of them running for several days.[70][71][72][73]

On September 17, 2020, a live table read of the script for the 1982 film Fast Times at Ridgemont High was hosted by Dane Cook, with performers including Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts, original cast member Sean Penn, Matthew McConaughey, Shia LaBeouf, Morgan Freeman (who served as the narrator), Jimmy Kimmel, Ray Liotta, and John Legend, to raise money for the charity CORE.[74][75] The broadcast of the 72nd Primetime Emmy Awards on September 20, 2020, hosted by Jimmy Kimmel, featured nominees participating through Zoom.[76] On an alternate music video for the 2020 single "Ice Cream" by Blackpink featuring Selena Gomez, the artists appeared via Zoom from their homes.[77] The series Zoom Where It Happens, airing on Zoom as a partnership between Zoom and Black female artists, launched in September 2020 with a virtual table read of an episode of The Golden Girls, reimagined with an all-Black cast. The second episode featured an all-Black cast in a table read of an episode of Friends, hosted by Gabrielle Union and featuring Sterling K. Brown and Uzo Aduba.[78][79]

Rezeption[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zoom has been criticized for "security lapses and poor design choices" that have resulted in heightened scrutiny of its software.[80][81] Many of Zoom's issues "surround deliberate features designed to reduce friction in meetings," which Citizen Lab found to "also, by design, reduce privacy or security."[82][83] In March 2020, New York State Attorney General Letitia James launched an inquiry into Zoom's privacy and security practices,[84] the inquiry was closed on May 7, 2020, with Zoom not admitting wrongdoing, but agreeing to take added security measures.[85] In April 2020, CEO Yuan apologized for the security issues, stating that some of the issues were a result of Zoom's having been designed for "large institutions with full IT support,"[86] he noted that in December 2019, Zoom had a maximum of 10 million daily users, and in March 2020 the software had more than 200 million daily users, bringing the company increased challenges.[87] Zoom agreed to focus on data privacy and issue a transparency report.[88][89][90][91] In April 2020, the company released Zoom version 5.0, which addressed a number of the security and privacy concerns. It includes passwords by default, improved encryption, and a new security icon for meetings.[92] In September 2020, Zoom added support for two-factor authentication to its desktop and mobile apps; the security feature was previously Web-only.[93]

As of April 2020, businesses, schools, and government entities who have restricted or prohibited the use of Zoom on their networks include Google,[94] Siemens,[95] the Australian Defence Force, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs, SpaceX, and the New York City Department of Education.[96][97] In May 2020, the New York City Department of Education lifted their ban on Zoom after the company addressed security and privacy concerns.[98]

By September 2020, Zoom had 370,200 institutional customers with more than 10 employees, up about 458 percent from the same quarter to the year before. The company's revenue rose 355 percent to $663.5 million, topping analysts' average estimate of $500.5 million. They were able to raise their annual revenue forecast by more than 30 percent after many of their free users converted to paid subscriptions.[99]

During the pandemic, Zoom's profit increased by 4000% despite paying zero taxes according to a report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, leading to controversies.[100]

Privatsphäre[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zoom has been criticized for its privacy and corporate data sharing policies, as well as enabling video hosts to potentially violate the privacy of those participating in their calls.[101][102][103] There may also be issues with unauthorized surveillance of students and possible violations of students' rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).[104] According to the company, the video services are FERPA-compliant, and it collects and stores user data only for tech support.[104]

In March 2020, a Motherboard article found that the company's iOS app was sending device analytics data to Facebook on startup, regardless of whether a Facebook account was being used with the service, and without disclosing it to the user.[105] Zoom responded that it had recently been made aware of the issue and patched the app to remove the SDK after learning that it was collecting unnecessary device data. The company stated that the SDK was only collecting information on the user's device specifications (such as model names and operating system versions) in order to optimize its service and that it was not collecting personal information.[21][106][107] In the same month, Zoom was sued by a user in U.S. Federal Court for illegally and secretly disclosing personal data to third parties including Facebook.[108] Zoom responded that it "has never sold user data in the past and has no intention of selling users' data going forward."[109]

In April 2020, a Zoom information gathering feature was found that automatically sent user names and email addresses to LinkedIn, allowing some participants to surreptitiously access LinkedIn profile data about other users without their express consent.[110] The companies disabled their integration.[111] In May 2020, the Federal Trade Commission announced that it was looking into Zoom's privacy practices.[112] The FTC alleged in a complaint[113] that since at least 2016, "Zoom maintained the cryptographic keys that could allow Zoom to access the content of its customers' meetings, did not provide advertised end-to-end encryption, falsely claimed HIPAA compliance, installed the ZoomOpener webserver without adequate consent, did not uninstall the web server after uninstalling the Zoom App, and secured its Zoom Meetings with a lower level of encryption than promised."[114] On November 9, 2020, a settlement was reached, requiring the company to stop misrepresenting security features, create an information security program, obtain biannual assessments by a third party, and implement additional security measures.[115]

Sicherheit[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

In November 2018, a security vulnerability was discovered that allowed a remote unauthenticated attacker to spoof UDP messages that allowed the attacker to remove attendees from meetings, spoof messages from users, or hijack shared screens.[116][117] The company released fixes shortly after the vulnerability was discovered.[118]

In July 2019, security researcher Jonathan Leitschuh disclosed a zero-day vulnerability allowing any website to force a macOS user to join a Zoom call, with their video camera activated, without the user's permission.[119] Attempts to uninstall the Zoom client on macOS would prompt the software to re-install automatically in the background using a hidden web server that was set up on the machine during the first installation so that it remains active even after attempting to remove the client. After receiving public criticism, Zoom removed the vulnerability and the hidden webserver to allow complete uninstallation.[120]

In April 2020, security researchers found vulnerabilities where Windows users' credentials could be exposed.[121][122] Another vulnerability allowing unprompted access to cameras and microphones was made public.[123][124] Zoom issued a fix in April 2020.[125] In the same month, "Zoombombing," when an unwanted participant joins a meeting to cause disruption, prompted a warning from the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[126][127][128][129] Motherboard reported that there were two Zoom zero-days for macOS and Windows respectively, selling for $500,000, on April 15, 2020.[130] Security bug brokers were selling access to Zoom security flaws that could allow remote access into users' computers.[19] Hackers also put up over 500,000 Zoom user names and passwords for sale on the dark web.[19] In response to the multitude of security and privacy issues found, Zoom began a comprehensive security plan, which included consulting with Luta Security, Trail of Bits, former Facebook CSO Alex Stamos, former Google global lead of privacy technology Lea Kissner, BishopFox, the NCC Group, and Johns Hopkins University cryptographer Matthew D. Green.[131] On April 20, 2020, the New York Times reported that Dropbox engineers had traced Zoom's security vulnerabilities back over two years, pushing Zoom to address such issues more quickly, and paying top hackers to find problems with Zoom's software. In the same article, the New York Times noted that security researchers have praised Zoom for improving its response times, and for quickly patching recent bugs and removing features that could have privacy risks.[19] In April 2020, Zoom made many of its security settings default settings, and they advised users on ways to mitigate Zoombombing.[18][21] In a blog post on April 1, 2020, Yuan announced a 90-day freeze on releasing new features, to focus on fixing privacy and security issues within the platform.[132] The company created a new "report a user to Zoom" button, intended to catch those behind Zoombombing attacks.[133] On July 1, 2020, at the end of the freeze, the company stated it had released 100 new safety features over the 90-day period. Those efforts include end-to-end encryption for all users, turning on meeting passwords by default, giving users the ability to choose which data centers calls are routed from, consulting with security experts, forming a CISO council, an improved bug bounty program, and working with third parties to help test security. Yuan also stated that Zoom would be sharing a transparency report later in 2020.[134][135]

On 16 November 2020, Zoom announced a new security feature to combat disruptions during a session. The new feature was said to be a default for all free and paid users and made available on the Zoom clients for Mac, PC, and Linux, as well as Zoom mobile apps.[136]

Verschlüsselungsmethoden[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zoom encrypts its public data streams, using TLS 1.2 with AES-256 (Advanced Encryption Standard) to protect signaling, and AES-128 to protect streaming media.[137]

Security researchers and reporters have criticized the company for its lack of transparency and poor encryption practices. Zoom initially claimed to use "end-to-end encryption" in its marketing materials,[138] but later clarified it meant "from Zoom end point to Zoom end point" (meaning effectively between Zoom servers and Zoom clients), which The Intercept described as misleading and "dishonest."[139] Alex Stamos, a Zoom advisor who was formerly security chief at Facebook, noted that a lack of end-to-end encryption is common in such products, as it is also true of Google Hangouts, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco Webex.[140] On May 7, 2020, Zoom announced that it had acquired Keybase, a company specializing in end-to-end encryption, as part of an effort to strengthen its security practices moving forward.[141][142] Later that month, Zoom published a document for peer review, detailing its plans to ultimately bring end-to-end encryption to the software.[143]

In April 2020, Citizen Lab researchers discovered that a single, server-generated AES-128 key is being shared between all participants in ECB mode, which is deprecated due to its pattern-preserving characteristics of the ciphertext.[144] During test calls between participants in Canada and United States, the key was provisioned from servers located in mainland China where they are subject to the China Internet Security Law.[82]

On June 3, 2020, Zoom announced that users on their free tier will not have access to end-to-end encryption so that they could cooperate with the FBI and law enforcement.[145] Later, they said that they do not "proactively monitor meeting content".[146] On June 17, 2020, the company reversed course and announced that free users would have access to end-to-end encryption after all.[147]

On September 7, 2020, cryptography researcher Nadim Kobeissi accused Zoom's security team of failing to credit his open-source protocol analysis research software, Verifpal, with being instrumental during the design phase of Zoom's new encryption protocol, as described in their whitepaper published in June 2020.[148] Kobeissi published a week's worth of conversations with Zoom's security leadership in support of his claim, including Max Krohn, which included eight Verifpal models that Zoom's team asked for feedback on, promises of a citation to credit Kobeissi for his contributions and an admission that the Verifpal citation was pulled from the whitepaper at the last moment for unspecified reasons. Kobeissi also linked to a tweet by Zoom security consultant Lea Kissner which he described as a public character assassination attempt issued in response to his repeated requests to have his work cited in the research paper published by Zoom.[149]

Data Routing[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Zoom admitted that some calls in early April 2020 and prior were mistakenly routed through servers in mainland China, prompting some governments and businesses to cease their usage of Zoom.[150] The company later announced that data of free users outside of China would "never be routed through China" and that paid subscribers will be able to customize which data center regions they want to use. The company has data centers in Europe, Asia, North America, and Latin America.[151][152]

Zensur[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Vorlage:See also An April 2020 Citizen Lab report warned that having much of Zoom's research and development in China could "open up Zoom to pressure from Chinese authorities."[82] Lee Cheuk Yan's (Chairman of Hong Kong Labour Party) account was also closed in early May 2020, and human rights activist Zhou Fengsuo's was closed in June after he held an event discussing the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre.[153][154] In June 2020, Zoom acknowledged that it had terminated two accounts belonging to U.S. users and one of a user from Hong Kong connected to meetings discussing 1989 Tiananmen Square protests,[155] the accounts were later re-opened, with the company stating that in the future it "will have a new process for handling similar situations."[156] Zoom also announced upcoming technology that could prevent participants from specific countries from joining calls that were deemed illegal in those areas.[155]

In September 2020, Zoom blocked San Francisco State University from using its video conferencing software to host Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) militant and hijacker Leila Khaled in response to vigorous lobbying by the Jewish coalition group "End Jewish Hatred." In justifying its decision, Zoom cited the PFLP's designation as a terrorist organization by the United States Government and its efforts to comply with U.S. export control, sanctions, and anti-terrorism laws. Facebook and YouTube also joined Zoom in denying their platforms to the conference organizers. Professor Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, one of the conference organizers, criticized Zoom, Facebook, and Google for allegedly censoring Palestinian voices.[157][158][159]

Transparenz[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

On December 18, 2020, Zoom announced it would be issuing its first transparency report. These reports will be published twice a year beginning in 2021. These reports are supposed to show how Zoom responds when user data is requested by law enforcement or government officials. Zoom states that it "only produces user data to governments in response to valid and lawful requests in accordance with our Government Requests Guide and relevant legal policies."[160] The first report covers from May 1, 2020, to December 12, 2020.

Regulationsfälle[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

In August 2021, the Data Protection regulatory body in Hamburg, Germany, ruled that Zoom is operating in the European Union in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is due to the fact that, as per the Schrems II ruling, data that is being transferred out of the EU must be given the same protections that provided by GDPR. The data gathered by Zoom is being sent to the United States.[161]

Siehe auch[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Weblinks[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Einzelnachweise[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Sri Ramalingam: C++ and Real Time Communications in the Cloud. 29. Mai 2018, abgerufen am 14. Februar 2022.
  2. Plans and Pricing - Zoom. In: Abgerufen am 24. Juni 2020.
  3. Eileen Abbott: Students and teachers struggle with remote education due to coronavirus. In: TheHill. 20. April 2020, abgerufen am 21. April 2020 (englisch).
  4. Taylor Lorenz, Erin Griffith, Mike Isaac: We Live in Zoom Now In: The New York Times, March 17, 2020. Abgerufen im March 23, 2020 
  5. Here Are The 10 Most Downloaded Apps Of 2020. In: Forbes. 7. Januar 2021, abgerufen am 8. Januar 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  6. a b Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing. In: Zoom Video. Abgerufen am 27. Mai 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  7. Walter S. Mossberg: A Chance To Call 15 Friends To Video Chat In High Def In: The Wall Street Journal, August 21, 2012. Abgerufen im April 13, 2020 
  8. Zoom Raises $6M Series A, Launches Version 1.0 Of Its In: TechCrunch, January 28, 2013. Abgerufen im May 14, 2020 
  9. Robbie Pleasant: Zoom Video Communications Reaches 1 Million Participants. TMCnet, 23. Mai 2013, abgerufen am 21. Juli 2014.
  10. Jordan Novet: Zoom has added more videoconferencing users this year than in all of 2019 thanks to coronavirus, Bernstein says In: CNBC, February 26, 2020. Abgerufen im March 31, 2020 
  11. Zoom shares spike after coronavirus lockdown. In: NewsComAu. 2. September 2020, abgerufen am 3. September 2020 (englisch).
  12. Rupert Neate: Zoom booms as demand for video-conferencing tech grows In: The Guardian, March 31, 2020. Abgerufen im April 29, 2020 
  13. Naomi Fry: Embracing the Chaotic Side of Zoom In: The New Yorker, April 27, 2020. Abgerufen im April 29, 2020 
  14. Mike Isaac: Zoom's Biggest Rivals Are Coming for It In: The New York Times, April 24, 2020. Abgerufen im July 30, 2020 
  15. 90-Day Security Plan Progress Report: April 22. In: Zoom Blog. 23. April 2020, abgerufen am 3. September 2020 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  16. David K. Li, Jareen Imam: Zoom goes down, bringing much of the remote workplace and classroom to grinding halt In: NBC News, 24 August 2020. Abgerufen im 25 August 2020 
  17. James Vincent: Zoom is working again, even if you're not In: The Verge, 24 August 2020. Abgerufen im 26 August 2020 
  18. a b c Brandon Vigliarolo: Zoom: A cheat sheet about the video conferencing solution In: TechRepublic, 30 April 2020 
  19. a b c d Natasha Singer: Zoom's Security Woes Were No Secret to Business Partners Like Dropbox In: The New York Times, 20 April 2020. Abgerufen im 30 April 2020 
  20. Maggie Tillman: What is Zoom and how does it work? Plus tips and tricks In: Pocket-lint, 24 April 2020. Abgerufen im 30 April 2020 
  21. a b c d Nicole Nguyen: Don't Get Bombed: How to Host Zoom Meetings, Hangouts, Houseparty and More In: The Wall Street Journal, 2 April 2020. Abgerufen im 30 April 2020 
  22. Zoom Meeting Plans for Your Business. Zoom Video Communications, abgerufen am 29. November 2017.
  23. Aaron Tilley: Microsoft Takes On Zoom and Slack in a Battle for Your Work Computer In: The Wall Street Journal, 2 June 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  24. Marissa Perino: How to upgrade your Zoom account from a basic plan to host larger group meetings and more In: Business Insider, 26 March 2020. Abgerufen im 30 April 2020 
  25. Charlie Osborne: Zoom security: Your meetings will be safe and secure if you do these 10 things In: ZDNet, 22 April 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  26. Ben Gilbert: Zoom isn't beefing up security for free users so that it's better able to 'work with law enforcement' In: Business Insider, 3 June 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  27. Michael Grothaus: How to turn on end-to-end encryption in Zoom (and why you should) In: Fast Company, 27 October 2020. Abgerufen im 1 November 2020 
  28. Jon Porter: Zoom's end-to-end encryption has arrived In: The Verge, 27 October 2020. Abgerufen im 1 November 2020 
  29. From Your Mouth to Your Screen, Transcribing Takes the Next Step. In: The NY Times. 13. Juni 2020, abgerufen am 14. Juni 2020.
  30. Gadjo Sevilla: Zoom Launches Hardware-as-a-Service Products In: PC Magazine, 7 July 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  31. Rob Scott: Zoom Phone Now Available in 40 Countries In: UC Today, 17 August 2020. Abgerufen im 20 August 2020 
  32. Dan Gallagher: Zoom Fills Its War Chest as Pandemic's End Nears In: The Wall Street Journal, 12 January 2021. Abgerufen im 22 January 2021 
  33. Aaron Tilley: Zoom Targets Prolonged Remote-Work Era as Coronavirus Drags On In: The Wall Street Journal, 15 July 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  34. Jefferson Graham: Move speaker windows, add closed captioning: Zoom adds accessibility features for video meetings In: USA Today, 23 September 2020. Abgerufen im 30 September 2020 
  35. Phil Wainewright: Zoomtopia 2020 - Zoom becomes a platform, for apps and for paid meetings In: Diginomica, 14 October 2020. Abgerufen im 1 November 2020 
  36. James Vincent: Zoom launches marketplace for paid events and new third-party app integrations In: The Verge, 14 October 2020. Abgerufen im 1 November 2020 
  37. Jason Aten: Zoom Is Already Where We Do Pretty Much Everything. It Just Got Even Better at It In: Inc., 14 October 2020. Abgerufen im 1 November 2020 
  38. John Mello: Zoom Beefs Up User Security With End-To-End Encryption In:, 28 October 2020. Abgerufen im November 7, 2020 
  39. Aaron Tilley: Zoom Wants You to Zoom Even When Using Other Companies' Apps, Wall Street Journal, 22 March 2021. Abgerufen im 23 March 2021 
  40. Mitchell Clark: Zoom’s new focus mode could keep students from distracting each other. The Verge, 11. August 2021, abgerufen am 12. August 2021.
  41. Brett Molina: Kids using Zoom for school? There's a new way to keep them focused In: USA Today, 12 August 2021. Abgerufen im 3 October 2021 
  42. Jonathan Greig: Zoom unveils new security features including end-to-end encryption for Zoom Phone, verified identities and more In: ZD Net, 13 September 2021. Abgerufen im 4 October 2021 
  43. Tom Wright: Zoom Launches Video Engagement Center In: UC Today, 13 September 2021. Abgerufen im 4 October 2021 
  44. Mark Wilson: Zoom’s all-out blitz to become the king of hybrid work In: Fast Company, 13 September 2021. Abgerufen im 4 October 2021 
  45. Kim Lyons: Zoom now has auto-generated captions available for free accounts In: The Verge, 25 October 2021 
  46. Aruna Das: Rules for the Zoom era: How to be a high school student during the coronavirus pandemic. In: USA TODAY. Abgerufen am 26. März 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  47. Dan Sabbagh: UK government told not to use Zoom because of China fears In: The Guardian, 24 April 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  48. Rae Hodge: Zoom security issues: Zoom buys security company, aims for end-to-end encryption In: CNET, 8 May 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  49. Paula Span: With Red Tape Lifted, Dr. Zoom Will See You Now In: The New York Times, 8 May 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  50. Hannah Herrera Greenspan: Using Zoom, Chicago hair stylists help clients cut and color their own hair at home In: Chicago Tribune, 21 May 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  51. Amelia Nierenberg: Go Ahead, Blow Out the Candles on Zoom In: The New York Times, 2 May 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  52. Sara Li: Zoom funerals are a new reality in quarantine. This is what they're like. In: Insider, 7 May 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  53. Shira Springer: For Some, Zoom Bar And Bat Mitzvahs Highlight 'Most Meaningful And Memorable Moments' In: NPR, 16 May 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  54. Roni Robbins: Zoom Mitzvah In: Atlanta Jewish Times, 12 April 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  55. Steven Impey: F1 calls on Zoom to deliver virtual race-day fan experience In: Sports Pro Media, 16 July 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  56. Sam Hall: F1 and Zoom partner to create a Virtual Paddock Club In: GP Fans, 16 July 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  57. Andrew Chamings: The 'Zoom room' boom: A very 2020 real estate trend In: San Francisco Chronicle, 27 July 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  58. a b Has zoom become a generic trademark? In: Abgerufen am 2. März 2021.
  59. Alexandra Schwartz: The First Great Original Play of Quarantine In: The New Yorker, 18 May 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  60. Oprah Winfrey to Launch Live Virtual Experience on Wellness In: The Hollywood Reporter, 12 May 2020. Abgerufen im 8 June 2020 
  61. Maya Phillips: 'In These Uncertain Times' Review: Love, Loss and Zoom In: The New York Times, 26 July 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  62. Nosheen Iqbal: House of horror: Host, the Zoom-call hit movie that has Hollywood quaking In: The Guardian, 16 August 2020. Abgerufen im 20 August 2020 
  63. Clark Collis: 'Our pitch was, it's going to be scary': The making of lockdown horror movie Host In: Entertainment Weekly, 17 August 2020. Abgerufen im 20 August 2020 
  64. Maya Phillips: From a Wrestling Ring to Tiny Boxes: How 'Chad Deity' Went Zoom In: The New York Times, 17 August 2020. Abgerufen im 20 August 2020 
  65. Dan Meyer: Pulitzer Prize Finalist The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity Gets Virtual Reading August 15 In: Playbill, 15 August 2020. Abgerufen im 20 August 2020 
  66. Joe Morgenstern: 'Locked Down' Review: A Covid-Era Heist In: The Wall Street Journal, 14 January 2021. Abgerufen im 22 January 2021 
  67. Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard Professors at the Alma Mater Europaea Symposium. In: Abgerufen am 27. Oktober 2020.
  68. Oxford, Cambridge and Harvard Professors at the Alma Mater Europaea symposium. In: Abgerufen am 27. Oktober 2020 (englisch).
  69. RSA Global Webinar Series.
  70. Richard Albert--Global Summit. In: Menu. Abgerufen am 28. Oktober 2020 (englisch).
  71. Conference Details. In:
  72. The 2020 Around-the-Clock Around-the-Globe Magnetics Conference. In: Abgerufen am 12. April 2021.
  73. Richard Parncutt, Nils Meyer-Kahlen, Sabrina Sattmann: Live-streaming at international academic conferences: Technical and organizational options for single- and multiple-location formats. In: Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 7. Jahrgang, Nr. 54, 20. Dezember 2019, ISSN 2325-1026, doi:10.1525/elementa.392.
  74. Charles Bramesco: Pitt! Aniston! Roberts! Freeman! Was this the starriest Zoom ever? In: The Guardian, 18 September 2020. Abgerufen im 30 September 2020 
  75. Emma Nolan: Where to Watch Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston 'Fast Times At Ridgemont High' Table Read In: Newsweek, 18 September 2020. Abgerufen im 30 September 2020 
  76. Claire Shaffer: Emmys 2020: Jimmy Kimmel Opens With a Zoom Room of Nominees In: Rolling Stone, 20 September 2020. Abgerufen im 30 September 2020 
  77. Gil Kaufman: Selena Gomez & Blackpink Zoom in From Home For 'Ice Cream' Lyric Video In: Billboard, 22 September 2020. Abgerufen im 30 September 2020 
  78. Nardine Saad: Sterling K. Brown and Uzo Aduba flip the 'Friends' script with an all-Black cast In: Los Angeles Times, 22 September 2020. Abgerufen im 30 September 2020 
  79. Amanda Garrity: How to Watch and Stream the 'Friends' Remake With Sterling K. Brown and Ryan Michelle Bathe In: Good Housekeeping, 22 September 2020. Abgerufen im 30 September 2020 
  80. Zoom under increased scrutiny as popularity soars In: BBC News, April 1, 2020 
  81. Napier Lopez: Zoom's 5.0 update helps stop zoombombing and improves encryption. In: The Next Web. 22. April 2020, abgerufen am 29. April 2020.
  82. a b c Bill Marczak, John Scott-Railton: Move Fast & Roll Your Own Crypto: A Quick Look at the Confidentiality of Zoom Meetings In: Citizen Lab, April 3, 2020. Abgerufen im April 4, 2020 
  83. Donnell: Two Zoom Zero-Day Flaws Uncovered. In: Threatpost. 1. April 2020, abgerufen am 29. April 2020.
  84. Danny Hakim, Natasha Singer: New York Attorney General Looks Into Zoom's Privacy Practices In: The New York Times, March 30, 2020. Abgerufen im March 31, 2020 
  85. Lauren Feiner: Zoom strikes a deal with NY AG office, closing the inquiry into its security problems In: CNBC, 8 May 2020. Abgerufen im 4 June 2020 
  86. Rishi Iyengar: Zoom CEO apologizes for having 'fallen short' on privacy and security In: CNN, April 2, 2020. Abgerufen im April 3, 2020 
  87. Tom Warren: Zoom announces 90-day feature freeze to fix privacy and security issues In: The Verge, 2 April 2020. Abgerufen im 26 May 2020 
  88. Alex Hern: Zoom says engineers will focus on security and safety issues In: The Guardian, April 2, 2020. Abgerufen im April 5, 2020 
  89. Steven M. Bellovin: Zoom Security: The Good, the Bad, and the Business Model. In: Columbia University. 2. April 2020, abgerufen am 5. April 2020.
  90. Kari Paul: 'Zoom is malware': why experts worry about the video conferencing platform In: The Guardian, April 2, 2020. Abgerufen im April 5, 2020 
  91. Is Zoom safe and can it be hacked? In: The Independent, April 2, 2020. Abgerufen im April 5, 2020 
  92. Tom Warren: Zoom releases 5.0 update with security and privacy improvements In: The Verge, 22 April 2020. Abgerufen im 8 May 2020 
  93. Jon Porter: Zoom's mobile and desktop apps now support two-factor authentication In: The Verge, 11 September 2020. Abgerufen im 29 September 2020 
  94. Google bans its employees from using Zoom over security concerns. 8. April 2020, abgerufen am 13. Mai 2020.
  95. Jitendra Soni: More top companies ban Zoom following security fears In: Techradar, 15 April 2020. Abgerufen im 22 April 2020 (englisch). „Among the latest organisations to block the use of Zoom are German industrial giant Siemens, which sent out an internal circular urging its employees to not use the tool for video conferencing, with Standard Chartered Bank also issuing a similar note to its staff.“ 
  96. Brandon Vigliarolo: Who has banned Zoom? Google, NASA, and more In: techPresident, April 9, 2020. Abgerufen im April 14, 2020 
  97. MHA issues Advisory on Secure use of ZOOM Meeting Platform. In: Abgerufen am 16. April 2020.
  98. Paayal Zaveri: The NYC Department of Education is reversing its ban on Zoom after the company addresses its security and privacy concerns In: Business Insider, 6 May 2020. Abgerufen im 15 June 2020 
  99. Zoom sales surge as free users convert to paid. In: ARN. Abgerufen am 3. September 2020.
  100. Zoom increased profits by 4000 per cent during pandemic but paid no income tax, report says. In: The Independent. 22. März 2021, abgerufen am 30. März 2021 (englisch).
  101. Allen St. John: Zoom Calls Aren't as Private as You May Think. Here's What You Should Know., March 24, 2020. Abgerufen im March 26, 2020 
  102. Kate O'Flaherty: Zoom's A Lifeline During COVID-19: This Is Why It's Also A Privacy Risk In: Forbes, March 25, 2020. Abgerufen im March 27, 2020 „collects and stores personal data and shares it with third parties such as advertisers. But Zoom's policy also covers what it labels "customer content" or "the content contained in cloud recordings, and instant messages, files, whiteboards... shared while using the service." This includes videos, transcripts that can be generated automatically, documents shared on screen, and the names of everyone on a call.“ 
  103. Jack Morse: Zoom is a work-from-home privacy disaster waiting to happen In: Mashable, March 13, 2020. Abgerufen im March 26, 2020 
  104. a b Madeline St. Amour: Pivot to online raises concerns for FERPA, surveillance In: Inside Higher Ed, March 25, 2020. Abgerufen im March 26, 2020 
  105. Joseph Cox: Zoom iOS App Sends Data to Facebook Even if You Don't Have a Facebook Account In: Vice, March 26, 2020. Abgerufen im March 27, 2020 
  106. Joseph Cox: Zoom Removes Code That Sends Data to Facebook In: Vice, March 27, 2020. Abgerufen im March 28, 2020 
  107. Liam Tung: Zoom to iPhone users: We're no longer sending your data to Facebook In: ZDNet, March 30, 2020. Abgerufen im April 13, 2020 
  108. Joel Rosenblatt: Zoom Sued for Allegedly Illegally Disclosing Personal Data In: Bloomberg News, March 31, 2020 
  109. Matthew Finnegan: Zoom hit by investor lawsuit as security, privacy concerns mount In: Computer World, 9 April 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  110. Aaron Krolik, Natasha Singer: A Feature on Zoom Secretly Displayed Data From People's LinkedIn Profiles In: The New York Times, April 2, 2020. Abgerufen im April 3, 2020 „as high school students in Colorado signed in to a mandatory video meeting for a class, Zoom readied the full names and email addresses of at least six students — and their teacher — for possible use by its LinkedIn profile-matching tool“ 
  111. Monica Chin: Zoom has disabled a feature that was exposing users' LinkedIn profiles In: The Verge, April 2, 2020. Abgerufen im April 13, 2020 
  112. Diane Bartz: U.S. FTC indicates it is looking at Zoom privacy woes In: Reuters, 12. Mai 2020. Abgerufen am 24. Juni 2020 (amerikanisches Englisch). 
  113. Joseph J. Simons, Noah Joshua Phillips, Rohit Chopra, Rebecca Kelly Slaughter, Christine S. Wilson: Zoom Communications: Complaint. In: Federal Trade Commission, abgerufen am 17. Dezember 2020: „Zoom did not employ end-to-end encryption... Zoom did not employ 256-bit Encryption... recorded Messages are not stored encrypted in Zoom's cloud storage immediately after a Meeting has ended... Zoom installed the ZoomOpener web server, without adequate notice or consent, to circumvent a browser privacy and security safeguard... the webserver would remain on users' computers even after they had uninstalled the Zoom App.“
  114. FTC Requires Zoom to Enhance its Security Practices as Part of Settlement., 8. November 2020, abgerufen am 11. November 2020.
  115. Joseph J. Simons, Noah Joshua Phillips, Rohit Chopra, Rebecca Kelly Slaughter, Christine S. Wilson: Zoom Communications: Agreement Containing Consent Order. In: Federal Trade Commission, abgerufen am 17. Dezember 2020: „must not misrepresent in any manner, expressly or by implication, the security features... establish and implement, and thereafter maintain, a comprehensive information security program... The Assessments must be obtained by one or more qualified, objective, independent third-party professionals...“
  116. CVE-2018-15715. In: National Vulnerability Database. 30. November 2018, abgerufen am 9. Juli 2019.
  117. C. T. Warnick, H. M. Lazarus: The subcellular distribution of poly-A-degrading activity in mouse kidney. In: Canadian Journal of Biochemistry. Band 55, Nr. 4, April 1977, ISSN 0008-4018, S. 485–488, doi:10.1139/o77-068, PMID 15715 ( [abgerufen am 14. Februar 2022]).
  118. Security: CVE-2018-15715. Zoom, abgerufen am 13. Mai 2020.
  119. Jonathan Leitschuh: Zoom Zero Day: 4+ Million Webcams & maybe an RCE? Just get them to visit your website!, July 9, 2019 
  120. Tim Anderson: Anyone for unintended Chat Roulette? Zoom installs hidden Mac web server to allow auto-join video conferencing In: The Register, July 9, 2019 
  121. Dan Goodin: Attackers can use Zoom to steal users' Windows credentials with no warning In: Ars Technica, April 1, 2020. Abgerufen im April 2, 2020 „The vulnerability was first described last week by a researcher who uses the Twitter handle @_g0dmode. He wrote: "#Zoom chat allows you to post links such as \\x.x.x.x\xyz to attempt to capture Net-NTLM hashes if clicked by other users.“ 
  122. Lawrence Abrams: Zoom Lets Attackers Steal Windows Credentials, Run Programs via UNC Links In: Bleeping Computer, March 31, 2020. Abgerufen im April 2, 2020 
  123. The Zoom Privacy Backlash Is Only Getting Started In: Wired, April 1, 2020. Abgerufen im April 6, 2020 
  124. cve-website. Abgerufen am 14. Februar 2022.
  125. Update: Zoom issues fix for UNC vulnerability that lets hackers steal Windows credentials via chat In: PC World. Abgerufen im May 13, 2020 
  126. Shannon Bond: A Must For Millions, Zoom Has A Dark Side — And An FBI Warning In: NPR, April 3, 2020. Abgerufen im April 9, 2020 
  127. FBI Warns of Teleconferencing and Online Classroom Hijacking During COVID-19 Pandemic — FBI. Abgerufen am 14. Februar 2022 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  128. Alex Hern: Trolls exploit Zoom privacy settings as app gains popularity In: The Guardian, March 27, 2020. Abgerufen im April 5, 2020 
  129. Taylor Lorenz: 'Zoombombing': When Video Conferences Go Wrong In: The New York Times, March 20, 2020. Abgerufen im May 13, 2020 
  130. Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai: Hackers Are Selling a Critical Zoom Zero-Day Exploit for $500,000. In: Vice. 15. April 2020, abgerufen am 16. April 2020 (englisch).
  131. Catalin Cimpanu: Zoom to revamp bug bounty program, bring in more security experts. In: ZDNet. Abgerufen am 11. Mai 2020 (englisch).
  132. Robert McMillan: Zoom Hires Security Heavyweights to Fix Flaws In: The Wall Street Journal, 16 April 2020. Abgerufen im 26 May 2020 
  133. Michael Kan: Got a Zoom-Bombing Problem? Zoom Will Soon Let You Report Attacks in Real Time In: PC Magazine, 20 April 2020. Abgerufen im 26 May 2020 
  134. Jay Peters: Zoom promises its first transparency report later this year In: The Verge, 1 July 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  135. Danny Cruze: Zoom released 100 new security features in 90 days In: Live Mint, 2 July 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  136. Zoom's new security feature will let you stop 'Zoombombers' in their tracks. In: The Verge. 16. November 2020, abgerufen am 16. November 2020.
  137. Encryption for Meetings. Zoom Video Communications, abgerufen am 7. April 2020.
  138. Advanced Encryption for Chat. Zoom Video Communications, abgerufen am 7. April 2020.
  139. Micah Lee, Yael Grauer: Zoom Meetings Aren't End-to-End Encrypted, Despite Misleading Marketing. In: The Intercept. 31. März 2020, abgerufen am 31. März 2020: „Currently, it is not possible to enable E2E encryption for Zoom video meetings. (...) When we use the phrase ‘End to End’ in our other literature, it is in reference to the connection being encrypted from Zoom end point to Zoom end point.“
  140. Kevin Stankiewicz: Ex-Facebook security chief, now Zoom advisor, says he still trusts Zoom for his video meetings In: CNBC, 17 April 2020. Abgerufen im 8 May 2020 
  141. Brian Barrett: Security News This Week: Zoom Security Gets a Boost With Keybase Acquisition In: Wired, 9 May 2020. Abgerufen im 13 May 2020 
  142. Zoom acquires Keybase to get end-to-end encryption expertise. In: TechCrunch. Abgerufen am 7. Mai 2020 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  143. Lance Whitney: How Zoom plans to better secure meetings with end-to-end encryption In: Tech Republic, 26 May 2020 
  144. Vorlage:CVE
  145. Adi Robertson: Zoom says free users won't get end-to-end encryption so FBI and police can access calls. In: The Verge. 3. Juni 2020, abgerufen am 5. Juni 2020 (englisch).
  146. Zoom to exclude free calls from end-to-end encryption to allow FBI cooperation. In: the Guardian. 4. Juni 2020, abgerufen am 5. Juni 2020 (englisch).
  147. Nick Statt: Zoom says free users will get end-to-end encryption after all In: The Verge, 17 June 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  148. Zoom encryption whitepaper. 17. Juni 2020, abgerufen am 8. September 2020.
  149. Fear and Loathing in Protocol Analysis. 7. September 2020, abgerufen am 8. September 2020.
  150. Zack Whittaker: Zoom admits some calls were routed through China by mistake In: TechCrunch, April 4, 2020. Abgerufen im April 5, 2020 
  151. This New Zoom Control Allows You To Stop Chats Being Routed Through China. Abgerufen im May 13, 2020 
  152. Zoom adds Choose Your Own Routing Adventure to keep chats out of China. Abgerufen im May 13, 2020 
  153. Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian: Zoom closed account of U.S.-based Chinese activist "to comply with local law". In: Axios. 10. Juni 2020, abgerufen am 11. Juni 2020 (englisch).
  154. Paul Mozur: Zoom Blocks Activist After Tiananmen Vigil In: The New York Times, 11. Juni 2020 (amerikanisches Englisch). 
  155. a b Nico Grant: Zoom says China asked it to censor pro-democracy activists in US and it obeyed. In: ThePrint. 12. Juni 2020, abgerufen am 13. Juni 2020 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  156. Patrick Austin: 'We'll Do All We Can to Promote Free Speech,' Says Zoom CEO Eric Yuan After Criticism on Encryption and Privacy In: Time, 18 June 2020. Abgerufen im 30 July 2020 
  157. Colleen Flaherty: Zoom Draws a Line (Memento des Originals vom 27 September 2020 im Internet Archive) In: Inside Higher Ed, 27 September 2020. Abgerufen im 28 September 2020 
  158. Gabriel Greschler: Zoom will not host S.F. State event featuring Leila Khaled In: J. The Jewish News of Northern California, 22. September 2020. Abgerufen im 28 September 2020 
  159. Nadda Osman: Zoom criticised for cancelling webinar with Palestinian activist Leila Khaled In: Middle East Eye, 24 September 2020. Abgerufen im 28 September 2020 
  160. Transparency | Zoom Trust Center. In: Zoom Video. Abgerufen am 27. Mai 2021 (amerikanisches Englisch).
  161. Jude Karabus: Zoom incompatible with GDPR, claims data protection watchdog for the German city of Hamburg. In: Abgerufen am 18. August 2021 (englisch).
